HCL AppScan Enterprise (ASE)
HCL AppScan on Cloud (ASoC)
Black Duck
SonarQube Agility
MicroFocus ALM Octance
Azure DevOps
Bitbucket Cloud
BitBucket Server
Bottleneck Detection
HCL Compass
GitHub Dependabot
IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM)
Fortify SSC
HCL Launch
Milestone Risk Prediction
HCL OneTest Server
HCL OneTest Service Virtualization
Rational Test Automation Server
UrbanCode Deploy ( External )
VersionVault Express

HCL AppScan Enterprise (ASE) (appscanPlugin)

Name Type Required Description
url String true The URL of AppScan including the port number. For example:
username String true The user name to use to authenticate with the AppScan server.
password Secure true The password to authenticate with the Appscan server.
isScheduledEvent Boolean false Check the box to run the intergration as Scheduled Event.
getIssueLevelData Boolean false Check the box to get issue level data.
applications Multiline false Newline seprated list of application names. If kept empty all applications will be synced.
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.

HCL AppScan on Cloud (ASoC) (asocPlugin)

Name Type Required Description
asocUrl String true The base URL of the Application Security on Cloud server. For example:
keyId String true To authenticate the Application Security On Cloud , You must need to provide keyId
keySecret Secure true To authenticate the Application Security On Cloud , You must need to provide keySecret
application String false Application name in ASoC
isScheduledEvent Boolean false Check the box to run the integration as a Scheduled Event.
policies Array false Comma separated list of Policy names in ASoC – for example: OWASP Top 10 Mobile 2016, International Standard – ISO 27002
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

Black Duck (blackDuckPlugin)

Name Type Required Description
blackDuckUrl String true The base URL of the Black Duck server.
accessToken Secure false The access token to authenticate with the Black Duck server. You can use either this property or the password to authenticate with the server.
ucvAccessKey Secure false The user access key used to authenticate with this server (Prior to version 3.0.0).

SonarQube (sonarqubePlugin)

Name Type Required Description
url String true The base URL of SonarQube server. Include the port number.For example:
authToken Secure true The authentication token used to request additional data.
velocityAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server (Prior to version 3.0.0). Agility (ucv-ext-agility)

Name Type Required Description
serverUrl String true The URL of the agility server.
userId String true The user name used to authenticate with Agility server.
accessToken Secure false The access token used to authenticate with the Agility server. Either the Password or AccessToken property must contain a value. Do not specify a value for both at the same time.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the Agility server. Either the Password or AccessToken property must contain a value. Do not specify a value for both at the same time.
projects Array true A comma separated list of Agility projects from which work items are imported.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number. The URL protocol can be http or https.
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server.
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server.

MicroFocus ALM Octance (ucv-ext-alm-octane)

Name Type Required Description
serverUrl String true The URL of the ALM Octane server.
userName String false The user name to authenticate with the ALM Octane server. Use either Username/Password or Client ID/Secret for authentication.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the ALM Octane server.
clientId String false The client id to authenticate with the ALM Octane server. Use either Username/Password or Client ID/Secret for authentication.
clientSecret Secure false The client secret used to authenticate with the ALM Octane server.
version String true The version of MicroFocus ALM Octane server.
sharedspaceId String true The UID of the Shared Space.
workspaceId Array true a list of WorkSpace Id separated by commas.
ucvAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server (Prior to version 2.4.0).

Azure DevOps (ucv-ext-azure)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the Azure DevOps server.
username String true The user name to authenticate with the Azure DevOps server.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the Azure server. Use either this or an access token.
accessToken Secure false The access token to authenticate with the Azure DevOps server. You can use either this property or the Password property to authenticate with the server.
organization String true The name of the Azure organization in which the specified project exists.
project String true The name of the Azure DevOps project from which to pull data.
repositories Array false A comma separated list of repositories from which to import pull requests, commits, and build data.
branchName String false The branch to pull commits from.
otherBranches Array false A comma separated list of additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number.
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server.
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server.
apiLimits String false Maximum number of Azure Devops REST API calls that will be made by the plugin in a single execution. Making too many call in a short duration might result in a connection timeout at Azure Devops server.
tags Array false Comma separated list of tags for pushing pipeline runs as build to this server. If kept empty all the pipeline runs will be pushed as builds.

Bitbucket Cloud (ucv-ext-bitbucket-cloud)

Name Type Required Description
username String true The user name used to authenticate with the Bitbucket cloud instance.You can find it here
password Secure true The app password used to authenticate with the Bitbucket cloud instance.You can create one here
projectKey String true The project key of the repository.
repositoryName Array true The comma separated name of the repositories.
branchName String false The branch to pull changes from.
otherBranches Array false The name of additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server
apiLimits String false Maximum API calls that the plugin will make in a single run.

BitBucket Server (ucv-ext-bitbucket-server)

Name Type Required Description
baseApiUrl String true The base URL of the API.
username String false The user name used to authenticate with the BitBucket server.
password Secure false The password associated with the user name to authenticate with the BitBucket server.
signature_method String false The name of the signature method for oauth authentication.
consumer_key String false The consumer key for Oauth authentication.
consumer_secret Secure false The consumer secret for Oauth authentication.
access_token String false The access token for Oauth authentication.
access_token_secret Secure false The access token secret for Oauth authentication.
projectKey String true The repository project key.
repositoryName Array true Add list of comma seprated names of the repository.
branchName String false The name of the branch to pull changes from.
otherBranches Array false The name of additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed. Regular expression is enabled (Example: PLUGINS-*,*)

Bottleneck Detection (ucv-ext-bottleneck-detection)

Name Type Required Description
ucvKey Secure true UCV User Access key

CircleCI (ucv-ext-circleci)

Name Type Required Description
apiUrl String true API URL of CircleCI.
projectType String true The Version Control System that is used, for example: github, bitbucket.
orgName String true The username or organization name in the version control system.
repositories Array true A comma separated list of repositories from which to import pull requests, commits, and build data.
accessToken Secure true The access token to authenticate with CircleCI.
branch String false The branch for which build data is to be synced. If nothing is specified, the default_branch of the project will be used.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number. The URL protocol can be http or https.
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server.
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server.

HCL Compass (ucv-ext-compass)

Name Type Required Description
serverUrl String true The URL of the Compass server.
userName String true The user name to authenticate with the Compass server.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the Compass server.
repo String true The repository name of the Compass project.
db String true The name of the Compass database where the data to be pulled is located.
fieldMapping Multiline true Map Compass fields to Accelerate as a JSON Object.
timezone Dropdown true The timezone offset from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, if the timezone is Asia/Kolkata select UTC+05:30.
since String false Issues or work items are imported for the specified number of months when the plug-in runs for the first time.

GitHub Dependabot (ucv-ext-dependabot)

Name Type Required Description
graphqlApiUrl String true For Enterprise edition , replace it with Enterprise GraphQL endpoint. For example: http(s)://[hostname]/api/graphql
personal_access_token Secure true Personal Access Token to authenticate with the Github server. Required unless OAuth information is provided.
filter_repos Array false Add repository names as comma separated for specific repository data.By default it will scan all repositories.

IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) (ucv-ext-ewm)

Name Type Required Description
serverUrl String true The URL of the EWM repository. For example:
projects Array true Comma separated list of projects from which work items are to be extracted.
userId String true The user ID used to authenicate with the repository.
password Secure true The password used to authenicate with the repository.
since String false Issues since how many months are to be imported when the plugin runs for the first time, default is 12 months
ucvAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server (Prior to version 2.4.0).
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number.
proxyUsername String false The Username used to authenticate with the proxy server.
proxyPassword Secure false The Password used to authenticate with the proxy server.

Fortify SSC (ucv-ext-fortify-ssc)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The base URL of Fortify SSC server.
token Secure true API key for authentication.
projectNames Array false Comma separated list of project names to sync data. If kept empty, syncs all projects data.
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.

GitHub (ucv-ext-github)

Name Type Required Description
apiUrl String true The URL to the REST API v3 for the GitHub instance. API URL for GitHub free edition:
owner String true The owner name of the GitHub repository
token Secure true The Personal Access Token used to authenticate with Github repositories
repositories Array true List of Github Repository names (separated by comma). Regular expression is enabled (Example: ucv-ext-*, repo-name*, *repo*-abc)
branch String false Branch to pull commits from Github repository
otherBranches Array false List of Branches (separated by comma) to collect commits from besides the main one. Leave blank if not needed
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

GitLab (ucv-ext-gitlab)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the GitLab server.
private_token Secure true The GitLab server access token. For more information, see the GitLab documentation at
projectNames Array false You can import the source data by providing a list of GitLab Project Names, which can include regular expressions for pattern matching. For instance, you can use wildcards such as * to match any character sequence, such as sample* to match project names that start with sample. Example: sample, sample1, etc.
projectIds Array false To import the source data, you need to provide a list of GitLab Project IDs. Please note that you must provide at least one of either Project Names or Project IDs, and can provide both if needed.
branchName String false GitLab repositories branch, The branch to pull commits from.
otherBranches Array false The name of additional branches to collect commits from besides the main one, leave blank if not needed.
fieldMapping Array false Map GitLab label for Priorty to this server. The priorty field label must be a key vaule pair connected by “:” or “-“. Example: If Gitlab Label for priorty is priortyKey:High, then pass priortyKey here.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

HCL Launch (ucv-ext-launch)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true HCL Launch server url
launchToken Secure true Token to authenticate against HCL Launch

LeanKit (ucv-ext-leankit)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the LeanKit server.
private_token Secure true The LeanKit server access token.
boardIds Array false A list of Leankit Board IDs separated by commas. Example: 1501106201,9501056040
ucvAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server (Prior to version 2.4.0).

Milestone Risk Prediction (ucv-ext-milestone-risk-prediction)

Name Type Required Description
ELASTIC_URL String true Elasticsearch URL

HCL OneTest API (ucv-ext-onetest-api)

Name Type Required Description
oneTestDBUrl String true The hostname of the HCL OneTest Database.
oneTestDB String true The name of HCL OneTest Database.
oneTestDBUsername String true The user name to authenticate with the HCL OneTest Database.
oneTestDBPassword Secure true The password to authenticate with the HCL OneTest Database.
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.

HCL OneTest Server (ucv-ext-onetest-server)

Name Type Required Description
oneTestUrl String true The base URL of the HCL OneTest Server. For example:
oneTestRefreshToken Secure true The offline user token created in the HCL OneTest user interface by clicking the Create Token button.
buildRegExp String false A regular expression pattern to match a build ID on a test execution label. For example: ([A-Z]+-[0-9]+).
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.

HCL OneTest Service Virtualization (ucv-ext-onetest-sv)

Name Type Required Description
oneTestUrl String true The API URL of the HCL OneTest Kairos Database.
workflowId String false The value stream that this metric is associated.

Rally (ucv-ext-rally)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the Rally server. The default is
username String false The user name used to authenticate with the Rally server. Specify either the username and password properties or the apiKey property.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the Rally server. Specify either the username and password properties or the apiKey property.
apiKey Secure false The API token used to authenticate with the Rally server. You must specify a value for either this property or the username and password properties.
workspace String false The name of the Rally workspace to use on request. This property is required if you are not using a default workspace.
projects Array false Comma separated list of Rally project names to import data.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number Ex-https://ProxyUrl:Port/
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

Redmine (ucv-ext-redmine)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the Redmine server.
private_token Secure true The Redmine server access token. For more information, see at
projectIds Array true Comma separated list of Redmine Project IDs to import the source data.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

Rational Test Automation Server (ucv-ext-rtas)

Name Type Required Description
rtasUrl String true The base URL of the Rational Test Automation Server. E.G.
rtasOfflineToken Secure true The offline user token created in the RTAS UI by clicking the Create Token button.
buildRegExp String false A regular expression pattern that will match a build ID on a test execution label. For example: ([A-Z]+-[0-9]+).
logLevel String false The level of Log4j messages to display on the console. Valid values are: all, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, off, and trace.
ucvAccessKey Secure false The user access key to authenticate with this server (Prior to version 3.0.0).

SAP ChaRM (ucv-ext-sap-charm)

Name Type Required Description
sapUrl String true The base URL of the SAP ES1 server.
sapUrlNine String false The base URL of the SAP N09 server if ATC Checks are required else leave it empty.
sapUser String true The SAP user name .
sapPassword Secure true The SAP user password
sapProject String false The SAP project name.
sapCustomFieldMapping Multiline true Map Jira custom fields for storing SAP data in Jira, for example: {“sap_user”: “SAP User V2″,”sap_charm_id”: “SAP CharmID V2″,”customizing_transport_id_count”:”Customizing Transport ID Count”,”workbench_transport_id_count”:”Workbench Transport ID Count”,sap_cycle_id”: “SAP CycleID V2″,”sap_project”: “SAP Project V2″,”sap_landscape_id”: “SAP Landscape ID V2”}
baseUrl String true The base URL of the Jira server. Example:
jiraProjects Array true A list of Jira Project Keys separated by commas. Example: PROJ1, PROJ2
jiraJql String false JQL Query has higher priority than Project Keys . If JQL Query is added , Project Keys will not work .
username String false Username to authenticate with the Jira server. Required unless OAuth information is provided.
password Secure false Password/Personal Access Token to authenticate with the Jira server. Required unless OAuth information is provided.
consumer_key String false The Consumer Key for OAuth authentication. If supplied, Username and Password will be ignored.
consumer_secret Secure false The Consumer Secret for OAuth authentication. If supplied, Username and Password will be ignored.
access_token String false The Access Token for OAuth authentication. If supplied, Username and Password will be ignored.
access_token_secret Secure false The Access Token Secret for OAuth authentication. If supplied, Username and Password will be ignored.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number.
proxyUsername String false The Username used to authenticate with the proxy server.
proxyPassword Secure false The Password used to authenticate with the proxy server.
fieldMapping Multiline false Map Jira fields to the fields expected by this server as a Name Value pair, for example, “Epic Link”: “Epic field in Jira”, “Sprint”: “Sprint field in Jira”, “Story Points”: “Story field in Jira” .

SAP ITSM (ucv-ext-sapitsm)

Name Type Required Description
sapUrl String true The base URL of the SAP server. Example:
sapUser String true Provide the SAP user ID. Example: 22211001
sapPassword Secure true Provide the SAP User password .
ucvAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server.

ServiceNow (ucv-ext-servicenow)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true The URL of the ServiceNow Server.
username String true The user name used to authenticate with the ServiceNow server.
accessToken Secure false The access token used to authenticate with the ServiceNow server. You can use either this property or the Password property to authenticate with the server.
password Secure false The password used to authenticate with the ServiceNow server. You can use either this property or the Access Token property to authenticate with the server.
proxyServer String false The URL of the proxy server including the port number
proxyUsername String false The user name used to authenticate with the proxy server
proxyPassword Secure false The password used to authenticate with the proxy server

Snyk (ucv-ext-snyk)

Name Type Required Description
personal_access_token Secure true Personal Access Token to authenticate with the Github server. Required unless OAuth information is provided.
organisation_ids Multiline true Add organisation IDs as line separated to import data.
project_names Multiline false Add project names as line separated for specific project data.By default it will scan all projects.

UrbanCode Deploy ( External ) (ucv-ext-ucd)

Name Type Required Description
baseUrl String true UrbanCode Deploy server url
deployToken Secure true Token to authenticate against UrbanCode Deploy

VersionVault Express (ucv-ext-vv-express)

Name Type Required Description
isScheduledEvent Boolean false Check the box to run the integration as a Scheduled Event.
url String false The URL of the VersionVault Express server including the port number.
projects Array false Comma-separated list of project names.
username String false The user name to use to authenticate with the VersionVault Express server.
password Secure false The password to authenticate with the VersionVault Express server.

WhiteSource (ucv-ext-whitesource)

Name Type Required Description
wsUrl String true The base URL of the WhiteSource API.
userKey Secure true UserKey for authentication with WhiteSource. URL to get a UserKey for WhiteSource:!userProfile
productToken Multiline true Product token for authentication with WhiteSource. URL to get a Product token for WhiteSource:!userProfile
projectName Multiline false Provide project names as line separated
fieldMapping Multiline false Map whitesource fields to Accelerate as a JSON Object. Mapping – {“”: “”, “application.externalId”: “”, “buildUrl”: “image.buildUrl”, “environment”:”image.environment”}
ucvAccessKey Secure false User access key for authentication with this server (Prior to version 3.0.0).

DevOps Velocity uses a containerized microservices architecture. Containerization means that plugins do not run directly from a host operating system but from containerized instances or pods managed by a containerization platform. Runtime instances or pods are created from images, which serve as a template.

These images are available from the HCL Harbor. DevOps Velocity retrieves images from this repository and creates instances as needed. DevOps Velocity is able to manage plugin installation and versioning without interrupting the user.

Using DevOps Velocity plugs-in when you don’t have access to the HCL Harbor

DevOps Velocity pulls the index.json file and displays the available plugin on the Integrations page. If your DevOps Velocity environment doesn’t allow access to index.json or HCL Harbor either because of Firewall restriction or lack of internet access, you can still use DevOps Velocity plugins with some additional setup. Access through a computer is necessary to access the plugins and import them into your environment.

The process to incorporate plugins is dependent on whether DevOps Velocity is running with a private Docker registry or not. First, you’ll want to determine the available plugins and available versions. See the HCL Accelerate plugins website to view the available plugins. The documentation for each plugin contains Version History and Documentation sections where you can view the available plugin versions and the plugin type value you’ll need to obtain the plugin image respectively.

For example:
Using the Redmine plugin as an example, the Version History page of the plugin documentation contains a link to the HCL Harbor repository for the plugin under the Image Link heading.


The links take you to the HCL Harbor repository page that displays the available version for the plugin and the command to pull the plugin image. The same information can also be seen in the Version History section as shown above. You can use Pull Command to pull a specific image version into your environment.


You can also find the plugin type value from the
General Configuration properties table on the Configuration Properties section of the plugin documentation as shown below.


Moving a plugin image into a private Docker Hub registry

To move the plugin Docker images to your private repository, complete the following steps using several Docker commands.

1. Pull the plugin Docker image to your local Dock registry by using the following command.

docker pull<plugin_type>:<plugin_version>

Where <plugin_type> is the unique type assigned to each plugin and <plugin_version> is the version of the plugin to pull.

2. Tag the local Docker image to point to your private Docker registry. The parameter identifies the private registry, optionally including any path to group all DevOps Velocity related images together, for example,
docker tag<plugin_type>:<plugin_version> <private-repo>/ucv-ext-<plugin_type>:<plugin_version>

3. Push the image to the private registry.
docker push <private-repo>/ucv-ext-<plugin_type>:<plugin_version>

4. After the image is uploaded to the private registry, you can create a value stream JSON file to integrate the plugin. For the first integration, you must manually create the integration by downloading a value stream JSON file, making the necessary changes to define the integration, and uploading the JSON file to the DevOps Velocity server. See the plugin documentation for details on creating a value stream JSON file.

After an initial value stream has been created for a plugin, to create other integrations using the plugin, you can use the Create Integration button on the Integrations page of the user interface.

Upgrading DevOps Velocity plugins

Updates to DevOps Velocity plugins are placed on the HCL Harbor repository. Plug-in updates contain bug fixes, introduce new properties, and expanded functions. The DevOps Velocity plugins do not require an additional process to access the upgraded plugin code. However, you might want to know when a new version of a plugin is released and determine if it introduces or enhances a feature that you want to include in your integration. You can continue to use the plugin as-is or upgrade to the latest version. Your current integration continues to function as it currently does.

To upgrade an integration to the latest version of a plugin:

  1. From the Settings page, click Integrations.
  2. Click Check for upgrades. Integrations that are using plugin which has been upgraded contain a blue dot next to the integration name.
  3. Click the context menu () and select Upgrade.



HCL Launch customers can use their product data to create  Elasticsearch reports and Kibana charts. If you already have your ELK environment, you can use that. Directions for setting up an ELK-stack environment are provided later in this post.

Typically, the ELK stack uses Logstash to collect the logs required by Elasticsearch to build its data model. Instead of using logs, HCL Launch is using data stored in the database that you set up when you installed HCL Launch.

The ELK reports work for all versions of HCL Launch. Access to the reports is set in Kibana; no HCL Launch access is required.

Available reports

API requests

This report contains data about API requests made to the HCL Launch server. The available filters include user, creation date, requesting URL, and average duration.

HCL Launch application processes

This report contains application process requests. Some of the available filters include:

  • count by date
  • requests by application
  • result
  • environment
  • average duration
  • average warning count
  • requests by user


This report contains data about Codestation usage. Some of the available filters include:

  • Codestation total size
  • source config plugins
  • usage by component
  • cleanup counts
  • Codestation copies
  • auto imports
  • component lists

Setting up your ELK environment


ELK setup with Elasticsearch host locations. i.e. https://es01:9200
Elasticsearch user ID and password
Logstash configuration directory. Default: /usr/share/logstash/config/
Logstash binary directory. Ddefault: /usr/share/logstash/bin/
HCL Launch database user ID and password
JDBC driver jar
Kibana URL and user.


1. Move the JDBC driver jar to the Logstash configuration directory.

2. Create an empty logstash.yml file in the Logstash configuration directory if one does not exist.

3. Create Logstash keystore to contain user secrets if it does not already exist:

<LogstashBinaryDir>/logstash-keystore --path.settings <LogstashConfigruationDir> create

4. Set the JDBC and ElasticSearch passwords in the Logstash keystore if they are not already set:

<LogstashBinaryDir>/logstash-keystore --path.settings <LogstashConfigruationDir> add JDBC_PASSWORD
<LogstashBinaryDir>/logstash-keystore --path.settings <LogstashConfigruationDir> add ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD

5. Add lines from pipelines.yml to pipelines.yml in the Logstash configuration directory. /user/share/logstash/config must be replaced with the Logstash configuration directory.

6. Add *.conf and *_temp.json into Logstash configuration directory.

7. Move the set_env and start_logstash scripts to the directory where Logstash runs.

8. Configure the set_env script with the correct values for the environment variables. Replace any placeholders wrapped in brackets <> with real values.

9. From a shell, run the start_logstash command.

10. Logon to Kibana and navigate to Stack Management -> Saved Objects.

11. Import export.ndjson.

The basic process for installing a plugin is to download the installation file to your computer and then upload it to the DevOps Deploy server. After a plugin is loaded on the server, it is available for use. You do not need to restart the server after you install a plugin.

Downloading the plugin

To download the latest version of a plugin, click the Download button at the top of the plugin page. If you want to download a specific version, click Version History. A list of available versions displays and you can click Download for the version you want to install.

To complete the download, you must accept the terms and conditions. When you accept the terms and conditions, a dialog opens for you to open or save the file. Plugin installation files are in a compressed file. Select Save File and the compressed file is put in your Download folder.

After the plugin is downloaded, you are ready to load the plugin on to the DevOps Deploy server. To complete this task, log into the DevOps Deploy user interface.

  1. Click Settings
    • For automation plugins, click Automation Plugins
    • For source plugins, click Source Config Plugins
  2. Click Load Plugin and enter the path to the compressed plugin file, and then click Submit.You should see the plugin in the appropriate list: Automation Plugins or Source Config Plugins. The plugin is available for use.

Uninstalling a plugin

Before uninstalling a plugin, verify that it is no longer in use. Deleting a plugin which is being used by existing processes causes those processes to not be valid.

To uninstall a plugin, click Settings > Automation Plugins, find the plugin, and then click Delete.

Rolling back plugins

You cannot roll back a plugin version to a previous version. If you have mistakenly deleted a version of a plugin being used in processes, the step display PLUGIN DELETED”. The server retains the pertinent steps to avoid breaking persistent processes and snapshots, but the configuration should be updated according to intention. If the intention is to use an earlier version of the plugin, perform the following steps:

  1. Delete the later version of the plugin.
  2. In all processes containing steps from that plugin are shown with the text PLUGIN DELETED. These steps should never be left in this state.Note: The server retains the later version steps to avoid breaking snapshots. However, you cannot add these steps to processes after you delete the plugin. All deleted steps should be updated immediately.
  3. Install the earlier version of the plugin, if not already installed.Note: If an earlier plugin version was installed and previously upgraded, this step is not necessary, as the previous version is now usable again.
  4. In each process that used steps from the later plugin, re-create and delete the steps that are labeled PLUGIN DELETED. This rolls back the step from the later to earlier plugin version. The process steps cannot be changed until you re-create them, even if you installed another version of the plugin.

Note: Re-installing the later version of the plugin restores the processes.


The AccuRev plug-in integrates IBM UrbanCode Build with AccuRev and automates populating a AccuRev workspace as part of a build process.. The plug-in provides integration properties, that define the connection between the UrbanCode Build server and AccuRev repository. For details, see Repositories.
The repository is configured based on a workflow.


No special steps are required for installation. See Installing plug-ins in UrbanCode products.


The plug-in runs on any agents that the IBM UrbanCode Build server supports.
This plug-in run on all supported IBM UrbanCode Build platforms.


Version 6.752929 released on March 9, 2016
Version 6.752929 includes the following features and fixes:
– Added RPX dependency.
– Translation for step information.
– Added support for using the transaction ID in the Changelog step.

Version 5.669681
Version 5.669681 includes the following features and fixes:
Updated to append the depot name to all change IDs. This prevents an issue where multiple depots can have the same change ID causing issues to get picked up for depots that do not contain them.

Version 4.604289
Version 4.604289 includes the following features and fixes:
Fixed a communication issue where the UrbanCode Build server would fail if it was running with an IBM JDK or JRE.