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    All Plugins (172)

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    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    March 12th, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 17th, 2023


    The Android SDK plug-in includes steps to achieve continuous delivery of Android applications by interacting with emulators and physical devices.

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    March 12th, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 17th, 2023

    Uploaded: 19-May-2021 06:23

    Release Notes

    Support property file encryption.

    Uploaded: 12-Mar-2021 09:55

    Release Notes

    Support property file encryption.


    The Google Android SDK plugin includes steps to achieve continuous delivery of Android applications by interacting with emulators and physical devices.

    This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


    This plugin requires HCL Launch 6.0.1 and later.


    See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


    The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

    Plugin history details
    Version Description
    3 Minor enhancements


    The Android SDK plugin includes steps to achieve continuous delivery of Android applications by interacting with emulators and physical devices. Use the plugin to do the following tasks:

    • Install and remove applications
    • Manage emulators
    • Test applications
    • Interface with tools

    Step palette

    To access this plug-in in the palette, click Mobile > Android.


    The following process steps are available in the Android SDK plugin.


    Runs the Android Debug Bridge command.

    Input properties for the ADB step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the adb command. The format can
    be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or devices.
    No additionalArgs
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK


    Runs the Android tool command.

    Input properties for the Android step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the Android command. The format
    can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or list targets.
    Yes additionalArgs
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK

    Create Emulator

    Creates an emulator.

    Input properties for the Create Emulator step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the emulator creation command.
    The format can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or -c 512M.
    No additionalArgs
    CPU String The CPU or ABI of the emulator to create. If the target contains more than one, this value must be specified. No cpu
    Create Snapshot Boolean Create a snapshot for the emulator. This process can help improve emulator startup performance. No snapshot
    Emulator Name String The name of the emulator to create. Yes name
    Force Creation Boolean Force the creation of the emulator. No force
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Target ID String The target ID to create the emulator with. Yes id

    Install Application

    Installs the Android APK application.

    Input properties for the Install Application step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the adb install command. The format
    can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or -l -s.
    No additionalArgs
    Application Path String The Android application package (.apk) to install on the target. Yes appPath
    Install Into Enumeration Install the application into an emulator or physical device. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial
    number in the “Serial Number” property. Values are default, emu, dev, and serial.
    No target
    Reinstall Boolean Reinstall the app and keep existing data. No reinstall
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Serial Number String The serial number of the device or emulator to use. The “Install into” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber

    Random UI Test

    Runs the monkey command for random UI Testing.

    Input properties for the Random UI Test step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the adb shell monkey command.
    The format can be a path to a file or a space separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or -v –throttle 100.
    No additionalArgs
    Event Count String The number of events to send to the test. Yes eventCount
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Serial Number String The serial number of the device or emulator to use. The “Install into” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber
    Test Against Enumeration Tests the application on an emulator or physical device. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial number in the “Serial Number” property. Values are default, emu, dev, and serial. No target

    Remove Application

    Removes the Android application.

    Input properties for the Remove Application step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Keep Data Boolean Keep data and cache directories. No keepData
    Package Name String The package name of the application to be removed. Yes pkgName
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Serial Number String The serial number of the device or emulator to use. The “Install into” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber
    Uninstall From Enumeration Removes the application from an emulator or physical device. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial number in the “Serial Number” property. Values are default, emu, dev, and serial. No target

    Remove Emulator

    Removes an emulator.

    Input properties for the Remove Emulator step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Emulator Name String The name of the emulator to create. Yes name
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK

    Start Emulator

    Starts an emulator.

    Input properties for the Start Emulator step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the emulator creation command.
    The format can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or -c 512M.
    No additionalArgs
    Emulator Name String The name of the emulator to start. Yes name
    Load from Snapshot Boolean Specifies whether to load the emulator from a snapshot on
    startup. This process can help improve emulator startup performance.
    No loadSnapshot
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK

    Stop Emulator

    Stops an emulator.

    Input properties for the Stop Emulator step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Save to Snapshot Boolean Saves the emulator snapshot on shutdown. No saveSnapshot
    Serial Number String The serial number of the emulator to stop. The “Target” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber
    Target Enumeration Specifies the emulator to stop. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial number in the “Serial Number”
    property. Values are default, emu, and serial.
    No target

    UI Test

    Runs the specified UI test against the application.

    Input properties for the UI Test step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided
    in the step properties for the adb shell am instrument command.
    The format can be a path to a file or a space-separated list
    of arguments. For example, C:\ or -e outputFormat simple.
    No additionalArgs
    JAR Files String The JAR files that contain the UI tests. The format is a space-separated list of files. Yes jars
    Push to Target Path String The path on the target where to push the JAR files. If no path is provided, existing resources on the target are used. No jarPath
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Serial Number String The serial number of the device or emulator to use. The “Install into” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber
    Test Against Enumeration Runs the UI test against an emulator or physical device. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial number in the “Serial Number” property. Values are default, emu, dev, and serial. No target
    Test Classes String The class or package name for the test to run. The format can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of classes. Yes classes

    Unit Test

    Runs the specified unit test against the application.

    Input properties for the Unit Test step
    Name Type Description Required Property
    Additional Arguments String Allows for providing additional arguments that are not provided in the step properties for the adb shell am instrument command.
    The format can be a path to a file or a space-separated list of arguments. For example, C:\ or -e key value
    No additionalArgs
    Package Name String The package name for the tests. Yes pkgName
    Raw Format Boolean Output the results in raw format. No rawOutput
    Runner Class String The class name for the instrumented test runner. Yes runner
    SDK Installation Path String The path to the Android SDK installation. For example, C:\android-sdk. Yes pathToSDK
    Serial Number String The serial number of the device or emulator to use. The “Install into” property must be set to “Serial Number”. No serialNumber
    Test Against Enumeration Runs the unit test against an emulator or physical device. When you use the “Serial Number” option, specify a serial number in the “Serial Number” property. Values are default, emu, dev, and serial. No target