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    All Plugins (172)

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    Quick Info

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    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
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    Published Date
    March 15th, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 17th, 2023


    NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. NPM includes command-line client that interacts with a remote registry. Using the command-line interface, you can use and distribute JavaScript modules that are available on the registry. The NPM plugin provides command steps to perform the following operations:
    • Initialize a package.json file
    • Install packages
    • Update packages
    • Uninstall packages
    • Publish a package to the registry
    • Update and edit the contents of the user and global npmrc files

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Website icon
    Published Date
    March 15th, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 17th, 2023

    Uploaded: 16-Mar-2021 13:57


    he Node Package Manager (NPM) source configuration plugin automates the importing of NPM packages. It uses the NPM Pack command to import a package as a TAR file. You can then imported the TAR file into other NPM projects.

    This plugin includes one step:


    This plugin requires HCL Launch version 7.0 or later.

    This plugin requires that NPM be installed on the HCL Launch agent.


    See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


    The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

    Plugin history details
    Version Description
    3 Minor enhancements


    To use this plugin, create a component to define the NPM artifacts to be used. The component contains the information for importing the artifacts and any processes to perform on the artifacts.

    Step palette

    To access this plugin in the palette, click Utilities > NPM.

    Create a component

    To create a component, complete the following steps. For more information, see .

    1. In the HCL user interface, click Components and then click Create Component.
    2. In the Create Component window, specify a name and description for the component.
    3. In the Teams fields, specify the access information for the new component.
    4. To use a template for the new component, select a template from the Template list. In this case, the component inherits source configuration, properties, and processes from the template.
    5. In the Source Config Type list, select NPM.

    6. Specify the properties for the component. See the Setting tab for descriptions.
    7. Click Save.

    Import a version

    When the artifacts are imported, a component version is created using the version of the package. You can specify to import a specific package version or import all versions. If importing all versions, a component version is created for each version.

    1. Click the Versions tab for the component.
    2. Click Import New Versions.
    3. Specify a specific version of the package to import, or leave blank to import the latest version of the package available in the repository. Additionally, enable Import All Versions to import all versions of a package.
    4. Click Save.


    The following process steps are available in the NPM plugin.

    Import Version

    Import NPM packages as TAR files.

    This step has no input properties.

    Settings and Roles

    Roles in the NPM plugin

    The plugin adds these roles automatically to resources. You cannot add these roles manually.


    Properties for the ComponentProperties role
    Name Type Description Reference
    Import All Versions Boolean Specify to import all versions of the specified package. By default only the latest version is imported. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/allVersions}
    Log4j Logging Level Enumeration The level of Log4j messages to output to the console. Specify ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/loggerLevel}
    NPM CLI Path String The path to the NPM executable file, if not specified on the system PATH environment variable. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/cliPath}
    Package Name String The name of the NPM package to import. To specify a scope by prepending @<scope_name>/ to the package name. This associates the specified scope with your registry. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/package}
    Password Password The password to authenticate with the registry. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/password}
    Registry URL String The fully-qualified URL of the NPM registry. For example ${p:component/ComponentProperties/registryUrl}
    Username String The user name to authenticate with the registry. ${p:component/ComponentProperties/username}


    Properties for the ImportProperties role
    Name Type Description Reference
    Version to Import String The version of a package to import.