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    All Plugins (172)

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    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Website icon
    Published Date
    June 1st, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 15th, 2023


    Use this plugin with HCL Launch to upload artifacts to HCL Launch versioned file storage repository.

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Website icon
    Published Date
    June 1st, 2021
    Last Updated
    May 15th, 2023

    Uploaded: 21-Apr-2023 13:55

    Uploaded: 01-Feb-2023 13:59

    Uploaded: 10-Oct-2022 15:58

    Release Note

    Updating jettison library for CVE-2022-40150 CVE-2022-40149

    Uploaded: 08-Aug-2022 20:37

    Release Note

    APAR PH48521 - Fixed a defect where a local IO error is reported incorrectly as an HTTP network error, such as: "MalformedChunkCodingException: CRLF expected at end of chunk" or "TruncatedChunkException: Truncated chunk".

    Uploaded: 13-May-2022 14:46

    Release Note

    Update output logging configuration.

    Uploaded: 08-Apr-2022 15:33

    Release Note

    Update log4j 2.17 and uDeployRestClient libraries.

    Uploaded: 07-Feb-2022 16:52

    Release Note

    Remove log4j functionality related to: CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2020-9488. CVE-2021-4104, CVE-2022-23302, CVE-2022-23305, CVE-2022-23307.

    Uploaded: 08-Dec-2021 12:18

    Release Note

    2597 - Fixed a defect where in rare cases artifact downloads fail with the message "Premature end of chunk coded message body: closing chunk expected". To fully fix the issue, agent relays must also be patched or upgraded.

    Uploaded: 19-Jul-2021 10:23

    Release Note

    Added new step to compare two zOS version artifacts with new package format.

    Uploaded: 15-Jun-2021 11:16

    Release Note

    Fix a quoting issue in the Unix Java wrapper script that prevented correct execution when the agent is installed in path containing a space.

    Uploaded: 27-Apr-2021 13:34

    Uploaded: 16-Mar-2021 07:33


    The steps in this plugin work with versioned components. For example, the Download Artifacts step retrieves the latest version of a component. Most component deployment processes use this step to download the component artifacts to the agent system.

    For AIX systems, file permissions defined at the operating system level are not supported by the HCL Launch Versioned File Storage plugin. The plugin uses the permissions set by a process or script. The chmod command can be used to reset a permission to the value defined at the operating system level.

    This plugin includes one or more steps, click Steps for step details and properties.


    This plugin requires HCL Launch version 7.0 or later.

    This plugin runs on all operating systems that are supported by the HCL Launch agent.


    See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


    The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

    Plugin history details
    Version Description
    37 Fix a quoting issue in the Unix Java wrapper script that prevented correct execution when the agent is installed in path containing a space.


    Step palette

    To access this plugin in the palette, click Repositories > Artifact > HCL Launch.


    The following process steps are available in the Versioned File Storage plugin.

    Download Artifacts

    Download artifacts from a VFS server.

    Input properties for the Download Artifacts step
    Name Type Description Required
    Artifact Directory Offset String The base directory from which artifacts will be retrieved from the Component Version.
    For example, using App/Dist will only get all files from in the App/Dist directory
    and put them in the Current Working Directory. All includes/excludes will be evaluated
    relative to this offset.
    Charset String The Character set that files whose metadata includes a character set should be converted
    to upon download (e.g. UTF-8). If this field is left blank then the system’s default
    charset will be used.
    Directory Offset String The working directory to use when executing this command. This is relative to current
    working directory.
    Excludes String The patterns to exclude files to upload. No
    Full Verification Boolean (Valid only with Sync Mode enabled) When selected, hashes will be computed on each
    file in the destination artifact set to determine whether network transfer is necessary.
    Otherwise, files will be compared by date modified and size.
    Handle Incremental Versions Boolean (Valid only with Sync Mode enabled) When selected, incremental version handling is
    enabled. When not selected, the legacy behavior is enabled, which is to handle incremental
    versions as though they are full versions. Enabling incremental version handling has
    two effects. First, when deploying a full version, all versions back to the most recently
    deployed full version are considered when determining which files to update or remove;
    the legacy behavior will only consider the the single most recently deployed version.
    Second, deploying an incremental version will not remove files from all currently
    deployed versions and will restore missing files from those versions; the legacy behavior
    will remove files from the single most recent currently deployed version and ignore
    files from other currently deployed versions. For server versions before,
    there is a negative performance impact to enabling this feature due to API availablity.
    The impact is the greatest for versions through 7.1.0. Until, is not
    recommended to enable this feature unless you use incremental versions.
    Includes String The patterns to match files to upload. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and
    the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire
    file tree underneath the dist directory.
    Set File Execute Bits Boolean When enabled, sets file execute bits on the files which have them set in the repository. No
    Sync Mode Enumeration Sync transfers only changed files, removing files that exist only in the previously deployed version. Clean removes all files not contained in the currently deployed version. Specify true, false, or Full. No
    Verify File Integrity Boolean When enabled, verifies downloaded files match their hash. Enabling this may reduce


    Download Artifacts for zOS

    Download zOS component artifacts from a VFS server.


    Input properties for the Download Artifacts for zOS step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The working directory to use when executing this command. This is relative to current
    working directory.


    Sync Artifacts

    Compare local artifacts with the artifacts expected to be on the resource according
    to its inventory, and remediate any differences.

    Input properties for the Sync Artifacts step
    Name Type Description Required
    Charset String The Character set that files whose metadata includes a character set should be converted
    to upon download (e.g. UTF-8). If this field is left blank then the system’s default
    charset will be used.
    Excludes String The patterns to exclude files to upload. No
    Includes String The patterns to match files to upload. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and
    the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire
    file tree underneath the dist directory.
    Set File Execute Bits Boolean When enabled, sets file execute bits on the files which have them set in the repository. No
    Verify File Integrity Boolean When enabled, verifies downloaded files match their hash. Enabling this may reduce


    Upload Artifacts

    Upload artifacts to a VFS server.

    Input properties for the Upload Artifacts step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The working directory to use when executing this command. This is relative to current
    working directory.
    Excludes String The patterns to exclude files to upload. No
    Includes String The patterns to match files to upload. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and
    the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire
    file tree underneath the dist directory.
    Save File Execute Bits Boolean When enabled, file execute bits are saved with the files. No
    Text File Extensions String A comma separated list of extensions of files need to be converted to a new character
    set on download (e.g. txt,properties,log). This should be used in cases where the
    OS the files are being deployed to requires a different character set than the one
    uploading the files into the server.


    Verify Local Artifacts

    Compare artifacts on local machine with inventory.

    Input properties for the Verify Local Artifacts step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The working directory to use when executing this command. This is relative to current
    working directory.
    Excludes String The patterns to exclude files to upload. No
    Includes String The patterns to match files to upload. The wildcard ** indicates every directory and
    the wildcard * indicates every file. So the pattern dist/**/* would retrieve the entire
    file tree underneath the dist directory.