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    All Plugins (172)

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    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.1.0 and later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    June 13th, 2022
    Last Updated
    May 11th, 2023

    What’s New?

    Minor Improvements and Enhancement to accept multiple datasets or files as input


    The z/OS Dataset Writer plug-in allows you to copy text to a mainframe dataset. Apart from copying content to a mainframe dataset, this plug-in provides the following features:
    • Allocates a new dataset with required parameter.
    • Deletes the existing dataset to create a new one with desired parameters.


    The plug-in is compatible with:
    • HCL Launch version 7.1.0 or later
    • HCL Launch agents on z/OS
    • IBM z/OS version 1.9 or later

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.1.0 and later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    June 13th, 2022
    Last Updated
    May 11th, 2023

    Uploaded: 12-Oct-2023 12:19

    Uploaded: 22-Jul-2022 10:40

    Uploaded: 07-Jul-2022 06:01

  • Enhancement to accept multiple datasets or files as input
  • Minor Improvements

    Uploaded: 16-Jun-2022 06:11

    Enhancement to accept source as PDS member or sequential dataset or USS File Note while upgrading plugin from older versions to version 3: The sequential output dataset must be enclosed in single quotes for a fully qualified dataset. If the single quotation marks are omitted, the user’s dataset prefix from the TSO profile is automatically appended to the front of the dataset name.

    Uploaded: 26-Apr-2022 08:18

    Fixed issue with GDG version creation

    Uploaded: 24-Nov-2021 11:24

    Initial Release


    The z/OS Dataset Writer plug-in helps you copy text to a mainframe dataset.


    No special steps are required for installation. See Installing plug-ins in HCL Launch.


    Write to Sequential Dataset

    Use this step to write input text to a sequential dataset.
    Note: To create a GDG version add (+1) along with GDG base. An output property DatasetName will contain the actual GDG version dataset name that is created and can be referred in successive steps of the process.

    Input properties for the Write to Sequential Dataset step
    Name Type Description Required
    Text String Text to be written in a sequential dataset. Yes
    Dataset Name String Name of a sequential dataset to write input text. Yes
    Append Boolean Select to append input text in the data set. No
    Allocate Data Set String Specify TRUE to allocate a sequential data set with passed parameters. No
    Delete Existing Data Set String Specify TRUE to delete the sequential data set if already exist before allocation. No
    Volume Serial String Leave blank to use the system default volume. No
    Space Units Enumeration:

    • TRACKS
    Specify the dataset space units. For example, Tracks or Cylinders Yes
    Average Record Unit Enumeration:

    • – – –
    • K
    • M
    • U
    Select a unit to use when allocating average record length. The unit U specifies single-record units (bytes). K specifies thousand-record units (kilobytes). M specifies million-record units (megabytes). (- – -) specifies the system default value. No
    Primary Quantity String Specify the primary quantity in average record units. Yes
    Secondary Quantity String Specify the secondary quantity in average record units. Yes
    Record Format Enumeration:

    • FB
    • F
    • VB
    • V
    • FBA
    • VBA
    • FBM
    • FM
    • VBM
    • VM
    Specify the record format. Yes
    Record Length String Specify the record length. Yes
    Block Size String Specify the number of bytes of data to place in each block, based on the record length. Yes


    The z/OS Dataset Writer plug-in contains the Write to Sequential Dataset step to write input text to a sequential dataset.
    For example, a JCL SYSIN content is passed as text input. Refer to the below screenshot:

    Second input Dataset Name can either be a Sequential dataset name as below MY.SEQ.DATASET or could be a user-defined property say ${}. The property needs to be defined with a sequential dataset name for writing the input text.

    Select checkbox Append to append input text data after the existing data in a given dataset. By default, Append is unchecked and writes the input text newly in a given dataset.

    The Allocate Data Set and Delete Existing Data Set values are set to TRUE by default. As the name suggests, setting input Allocate Data Set to TRUE will give you an option to decide and set the parameters of a sequential dataset to be created. If Allocate Data Set is FALSE, the plug-in step assumes that the dataset exists and writes the input text to the dataset.

    Input Delete Existing Data Set comes into action only when Allocate Data Set is set to TRUE and deletes the existing dataset. Set to Allocate Data Set to TRUE to allocate a new dataset with passed parameters and write the input text to a sequential dataset.

    The remaining inputs in the step are to set parameters like DCB and Space etc., for a sequential dataset and are applicable only if Allocate Data Set is TRUE.