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    All Plugins (172)

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    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    March 12th, 2021
    Last Updated
    January 22nd, 2024


    The File Utils plugin provides steps for manipulating files and directories.

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch version 7.0 or later
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    March 12th, 2021
    Last Updated
    January 22nd, 2024

    Uploaded: 31-Aug-2023 21:38

    Release notes

    Supports AES 256-bit keys for input/output property encryption if also supported by the agent.

    Uploaded: 25-Aug-2023 19:01

    Release notes

    Update ini4j library for CVE-2022-41404

    Uploaded: 16-May-2023 14:35

    Release notes

    Fixes APAR PH52898 - Running the replace tokens step is taking longer to complete with each run.

    Uploaded: 12-May-2023 15:36

    Release notes

    Restore classpath for steps still implemented in groovy to fix NoSuchMethodError errors

    Uploaded: 11-May-2023 18:45

    Release notes

    Handles very large directories in the Replace Tokens step without running out of memory

    Uploaded: 21-Apr-2023 14:12

    Release notes

    Updating Jettison library to 1.5.4 for CVE-2023-1436

    Uploaded: 01-Feb-2023 14:07

    Release notes

    Updating jettison library for CVE-2022-45693 and CVE-2022-45685

    Uploaded: 13-Oct-2022 14:04

    Release notes

    Fix issues in xml handling for Update XML for Xpath step

    Uploaded: 13-Oct-2022 13:31

    Release Note

    Updating jettison library for CVE-2022-40150 CVE-2022-40149.

    Uploaded: 10-Oct-2022 16:34

    Uploaded: 12-Jul-2022 14:15

    Release notes

    Fix an encoding issue with the untar step on z/OS

    Uploaded: 24-Feb-2022 12:59

    Release notes

    Fixed infinite loop in replace tokens step when using groovy 3

    Uploaded: 21-Feb-2022 10:05

    Release notes

    Fixed UI field and properly checked DTD specification

    Uploaded: 10-Feb-2022 18:36

    Release notes

    Fixes APAR PH43524 - Replace token step alters file permissions

    Uploaded: 11-Jan-2022 21:34

    Release note

    Added compatibility with Groovy 3

    Uploaded: 02-Dec-2021 15:46

    Release notes

    Fixes several security issues

    Uploaded: 11-Mar-2021 05:49

    Release notes

    Fixes APAR PH35488- Replaced token step not accepting comma separated list of files in includes section


    The steps in this plugin manipulate files on the target system.


    This plugin is supported to run on all operating systems that are supported by the HCL Launch agent, including z/OS with UNIX System Services.

    This plugin requires HCL Launch 7.0 or later.


    The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version:

    Plugin history details
    Version Description
      Supports AES 256-bit keys for input/output property encryption if also supported by the agent.
      Updated ini4j library for CVE-2022-41404.
      APAR PH52898 – Running the replace tokens step is taking longer to complete with each run.
      • Restore classpath for steps still implemented in groovy to fix


    • Port “Copy Directory” step to Java to reduce CPU consumption.
    • Handle very large directories in the Replace Tokens step without running out of memory.
      Updating Jettison library to 1.5.4 for CVE-2023-1436
      Updating jettison library for CVE-2022-45693 and CVE-2022-45685.
      Fix issues in xml handling for Update XML for Xpath step.
      Updating jettison library for CVE-2022-40150 CVE-2022-40149.
      Fix an encoding issue with the untar step on z/OS.
      Fixed infinite loop in replace tokens step when using groovy 3.
      Fixed UI field and properly checked DTD speciication.
      Fixes APAR PH43524 – Replace token step alters file permissions.
      Add compatibility with Groovy 3.
      Fixes several security issues.
      Fixes APAR PH35488 – Replace token step not accepting comma separated list of files in includes section&lt.
      Fixes APAR PH35488 – Replace token step not accepting comma separated list of files in includes section.


    The following process steps are available in the File Utils plugin.

    Copy Directory

    Copy the contents of a directory to other directories. This step overwrites files
    but does not delete files.

    Input properties for the Copy Directory step
    Name Type Description Required
    Destination Directories String A list of directories to copy to, separated by newline characters. Yes
    Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to skip.
    For example, if you specify **/*.zip, all .zip
    files in all subdirectories are excluded.
    Fail on Error Boolean When this checkbox is checked, the step will fail if an error occurs while copying
    files and directories. Otherwise, only a warning message is displayed in the command
    Flatten Directory Structure Boolean Ignore the directory structure of the source files, and copy all files into the destination
    Force Boolean Overwrite read-only destination files. Since Ant 1.8.2. No
    Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to copy.
    The default, **/*, includes all files.
    Preserve Last Modified Boolean Preserve the time stamps from the source files and folders. No
    Rename Rules String A list of rules, separated by newline characters, for renaming the files in the destination
    directories. Use the format “FROM->TO”. For example, specify a.txt->b.txt to
    rename files named “a.txt” to “b.txt” and use *.java->*.java.bak to
    change file suffixes from .java to .java.bak. Rules are applied in the order that
    they are specified. No more than one rule is applied
    to a file.
    Source Directory String The directory to copy. Yes


    Create .zip File

    Create a .zip file.

    Input properties for the Create .zip File step
    Name Type Description Required
    .zip File Name String Name of the new .zip file. Yes
    Base Directory String The directory that contains the files to add to the archive. Yes
    Case Sensitive Boolean Select to use case-sensitive matching. No
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use when creating the .zip file. If blank, the .zip
    file is created with the local character encoding
    of the agent. Example encodings: US-ASCII, UCS-2,
    JIS X 0201, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, EUC.
    Exclude String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files and directories
    to skip. For example: **/*.txt
    Follow Symlinks Boolean Select to follow symlinks when including files. No
    Include String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files and directories
    to include. For example: **/*
    Update existing Boolean Select to update or overwrite the destination file if a file with that name already


    Create Directories

    Create a set of directories, including nested directories.

    Input properties for the Create Directories step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directories String A list of directories to create, separated by newline characters. Yes


    Create File

    Create a text file.

    Input properties for the Create File step
    Name Type Description Required
    Contents String The contents of the file. No
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use when creating the file. If blank, the file is
    created with the local character encoding of the agent. Example encodings: US-ASCII,
    UCS-2, JIS X 0201, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, EUC.
    File Name String The name of the file. Yes
    Overwrite if exists Boolean Select to overwrite an existing file with the same name. No


    Delete Files and Directories

    Delete files and directories.

    Input properties for the Delete Files and Directories step
    Name Type Description Required
    Base Directory String The base directory where files and directories are deleted. Yes
    Case Sensitive Boolean Select to use case-sensitive matching. No
    Exclude String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files and directories
    to skip when deleting. For example, specify **/*.txt to skip all .txt files.
    Follow Symlinks Boolean Select to follow symlinks when deleting. No
    Include String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files and directories
    to delete. For example, specify **/* to delete all files.


    Flip Line Endings

    Convert file line endings between UNIX and Microsoft Windows formats.

    Input properties for the Flip Line Endings step
    Name Type Description Required
    Ending Enumeration The line ending type to use. Values are os, windows, and unix. No
    Excludes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to skip. No
    Includes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to convert. Yes


    Get text of XML text node

    Get text of XML text node using xpath

    Input properties for the Get text of XML text node step
    Name Type Description Required
    Source Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.
    Xml File String A xml file to read data from. Yes
    xPath String A XPath expression that specify element to get text of.
    For example, specify /root/foo to get all foo elements text under the root element.
    In case of xpath resulting into multiple matching nodes then first node data will
    be returned


    Monitor File Contents

    Monitor a file for a token. The step continues when the token is found, and fails if the token is not found in the specified time. This step is similar to the UNIX tail command, and ignores content in the file that is present before the step starts.

    Input properties for the Monitor File Contents step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the file to
    Fail if found Boolean Select to configure the step to fail if the regular expression is matched. When selected,
    the step does not fail when the timeout expires.
    File Name String The name of the file to monitor. Yes
    Regular Expression String A regular expression that describes the token to match in the file. Yes
    Timeout (s) String The time, in seconds, to wait for a match to the regular expression. The step fails
    if a match is not found before the timeout expires.


    Move Directory

    Move the contents of a directory to another directory.

    Input properties for the Move Directory step
    Name Type Description Required
    Destination Directory String The directory to move to. Yes
    Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to skip.
    For example, if you specify **/*.zip, all .zip
    files in all subdirectories are excluded.
    Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to move.
    The default, **/*, includes all files.
    Rename Rules String A list of rules, separated by newline characters, for renaming the files in the destination
    directories. Use the format “FROM->TO”. For example, specify a.txt->b.txt to
    rename files named “a.txt” to “b.txt” and use *.java->*.java.bak to
    change file suffixes from .java to .java.bak. Rules are applied in the order that
    they are specifed. No more than one rule is applied
    to a file.
    Source Directory String The directory to move. Yes


    Read Properties From XML File

    Parse an XML file to search for properties defined by element names.

    Input properties for the Read Properties From XML File step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.
    Fail if no match found Boolean Select to configure the step to fail if any of the XPath expressions do not return
    a match.
    Property Keys String A list of elements, separated by newline characters, whose values will be used for
    properties. Use dot notation to refer to nested
    elements. For example, specify to retrieve the
    value of the baz element under the bar element under the foo element. Use the at sign
    (@) to specify attributes. For example, specify to retrieve the name attribute of
    the baz element under the bar element under the foo element.
    XML File String The full path to the XML file to read properties from. Yes


    Read Property File

    Read properties from a file and set them as output properties for the step.

    Input properties for the Read Property File step
    Name Type Description Required
    Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.
    Property File String The name of the property file to read. Yes


    Replace Tokens

    Replace tokens in files using properties.

    Input properties for the Replace Tokens step
    Name Type Description Required
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use. If blank, the replacement file is created with
    the local character encoding of the agent. Example encodings: UTF-8, US-ASCII, UCS-2,
    JIS X 0201, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, EUC.
    Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.
    End Token Delimiter String The end delimiter character used to identify tokens. No
    Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files to exclude.
    New lines will be replaced with commas.
    Explicit Tokens String A list, separated by newline characters, of explicit tokens to replace in the form
    of token->value. For example: if you specify mytoken->new_value,
    the step replaces mytoken with new_value. The
    token delimiter and property prefix settings apply. If you specified a value
    in the Property List field, the explicit tokens are added as additional values to
    replace, and override any properties that have
    the same name. You cannot use regular expressions.
    Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files to include.
    New lines will be replaced with commas.
    Property File Name String The name of the file used to store the replacement name-value pairs. You can use an
    existing file. If the file does not exist, it
    is created and then removed when the step completes.
    Property List String Specify a property value here to use existing property names as tokens to replace
    in the target files. For example: Specify ${p:environment/allProperties}
    to use the names of all component environment
    properties as tokens and the property values as the replacements.
    Similarly, specify ${p:component/allProperties},${p:environment/allProperties} to
    use the names of all component and component environment
    properties as tokens. The token delimiter and
    property prefix settings apply. If you specify @ for the start and end token delimiters
    and a property named token1 exists, then the step searches for @token1@ to replace.
    Property Prefix String Specify a prefix to use to determine which properties are included in token replacement.
    Leave blank to include all properties.
    Start Token Delimiter String The start delimiter character used to identify tokens. No


    Search Files and Folders

    Search for Files and Folders in a custom directory or default working directory.

    Input properties for the Search Files and Folders step
    Name Type Description Required
    Custom Directory String Mention a directory if don’t want to use default working directory for searching No
    File Name String The name of the file. Yes
    Search in Subfolders Boolean Select to search in subfolders also No
    Use Custom Directory Boolean Select to use custom directory No


    Synchronize Directories

    Move new files in a source directory to a destination directory, and delete files
    in the destination directory that are not in the source directory. Synchronization
    is based on the time stamp of the file.

    Input properties for the Synchronize Directories step
    Name Type Description Required
    Destination Directories String A list of directories to copy to and synchronize, separated by newline characters. Yes
    Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to skip.
    For example, if you specify **/*.zip, all .zip
    files in all subdirectories are excluded.
    Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to synchronize.
    The default, **/*, includes all files.
    Overwrite Boolean Select to overwrite target files even if they are newer than source files. No
    Preserve In Target Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe files to skip for
    preservation in the target directories.
    Preserve In Target Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe files to include
    for preservation in the target directories.
    Source Directory String The synchronization source directory. Yes


    Untar Tarball

    Extract a .tar file.

    Input properties for the Untar Tarball step
    Name Type Description Required
    Extract directory String The directory to extract the .tar file to. No
    Overwrite files Boolean If selected, files are overwritten even if they are newer than files in the .tar file. No
    Tarball String The .tar file to extract. Use wildcards that are supported by Ant pattern matching
    to extract multiple .tar files. For example, if
    you specify json-*.tar, both json-c-0.10.tar and
    json-c-0.20.tar are extracted.
    Tarball Enumeration Select the compression algorithm for the .tar file. Values are none, gzip, and bzip2. No



    Extract a .zip file.

    Input properties for the Unzip step
    Name Type Description Required
    .zip files String A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the .zip files to
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use when extracting files. If blank, the .zip file
    is created with the local character encoding of
    the agent. Example encodings: UTF-8, US-ASCII, UCS-2,
    JIS X 0201, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, EUC.
    Exclude Files String A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files in the
    archive to skip.
    Extract directory String The directory to extract the .zip file to. No
    Include Files String A list of patterns, separated by commas or spaces, that describe the files in the
    archive to extract.
    Overwrite files Boolean If selected, files are overwritten even if they are newer than files in the .zip file. No


    Update INI File

    Update a file in the Microsoft Windows INI format. This step supports property sections.

    Input properties for the Update INI File step
    Name Type Description Required
    Add Section Comments String Specify a list of comments, separated by newline characters, to add to sections. For
    example, specify section1=newComment to add newComment
    in a comment line above the section1 section.
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use when accessing the INI file. If you do not specify
    an encoding, the local character encoding of the
    agent is used.
    File Name String The name of the file to update. Yes
    Remove Section String A list of sections to remove, separated by newline characters. Removing a section
    removes the properties and property comments in
    the section.
    Remove properties String A list of properties to remove, separated by newline characters. To remove properties
    in subsections, add the full path of the parent
    sections to the property name, using a backslash
    (\) as a separator. For example, specify section1\section2\propertyName to remove
    the propertyName property in the section2 subsection
    of the section1 section.
    Update properties String A list of name-value pairs to update, separated by newline characters. Use the format
    section\name=value. Comments that precede a property line are added to the property.
    Comment lines begin with a semicolon (;) or number
    sign (#). To update properties in subsections, add
    the full path of the parent sections to the property name, using a backslash (\) as
    a separator. For example, specify section1\section2\propertyName=value
    to update the propertyName property in the section2
    subsection of the section1 section.
    Use ‘#’ character for comments Boolean Select to use the number sign (#) to indicate a comment. Clear to use the semicolon
    (;) to indicate a comment.


    Update Java Properties File

    Add, remove, or update properties in a Java properties file.

    Input properties for the Update Java Properties File step
    Name Type Description Required
    Add/Update properties String A list of name-value pairs, separated by newline characters. This field takes precedence
    over Additional properties. Use the format property_name=property_value.
    Additional properties String A list of additional properties, separated by commas. For example, specify
    ${p:environment/allProperties} to add all environment properties as name-value pairs
    to the list of properties to update. The Additional
    properties field takes precedence over this field.
    Additional properties prefix String Specify a prefix to use to filter the properties specified in the Additional properties
    field. The prefix is removed from the property name to form the property that is added
    to the property file. For example: if the Additional
    properties field is set to ${p:enviroment/allProperties},
    specify “proxy” to update only the properties that
    begin with “proxy.”
    Custom Encoding String Specify a character encoding to use when accessing the properties file. This field
    takes precedence over Use System Encoding.
    Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.
    File Excludes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the property files
    to skip.
    File Includes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the property files
    to edit.
    Remove properties String A list of names of properties to remove, separated by newline characters. No
    Use System Encoding Boolean Select to use the local character encoding of the agent when accessing the properties


    Update XML File with XPath

    Update XML files using XPath to locate items to edit.

    Input properties for the Update XML File with XPath step
    Name Type Description Required
    Apply formatting to output XML Boolean Select to output the document with a degree of formatting. Elements are indented and
    given new lines wherever possible to make a more readable document.
    Destination Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory where the edited XML files
    will be stored.
    Fail Mode Enumeration The action to perform when an malformed xml is found. Values are WARN_ONLY, FAIL_FAST, and FAIL_ON_ANY_FAILURE. Yes
    Fail if no match found Boolean Select to configure the step to fail if any of the XPath expressions do not return
    a match.
    File Excludes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, the describe the files to skip. No
    File Includes String A list of patterns, separated by newline characters, that describe the files to modify. Yes
    Ignore DTD Specification Boolean Select to ignore document type declarations that are specified in the XML files.
    WARNING: these declarations are commented out temporarily while the step runs.
    Insert XML String A list of XPath expression-content pairs, separated by newline characters. Use the
    format expression->content. For example, specify
    /root/foo-><bar/> to insert an empty bar element
    under all foo elements in the root element. For
    XML documents using a default namespace, XPath expressions are represented
    like /:root/:foo. For XML documents using prefixed
    namespaces, XPath expressions are represented like
    /ns:root/foo or /ns:root/ns:foo or /ns1:root/ns2:foo.
    Remove String A list of XPath expressions, separated by newline characters, that specify elements
    to remove. For example, specify /root/foo to remove
    all foo elements under the root element. For XML
    documents using a default namespace, XPath expressions are represented
    like /:root/:foo. For XML documents using prefixed
    namespaces, XPath expressions are represented like
    /ns:root/foo or /ns:root/ns:foo or /ns1:root/ns2:foo.
    Replace with text String A list of XPath expression-replacement pairs, separated by newline characters. Use
    the format expression->replacement. For example,
    specify /root/foo/text()->bar to replace the text for all
    foo elements under the root element with bar. The step does nothing
    if the specified expression does not exist in the source files.
    For XML documents using a default namespace, XPath expressions are represented
    like /:root/:foo/text(). For XML documents using
    prefixed namespaces, XPath expressions are represented
    like /ns:root/foo/text() or /ns:root/ns:foo/text() or /ns1:root/ns2:foo/text().
    Set Attributes String A list of XPath expression-content pairs, separated by newline characters. Use the
    format expression->content. For example, specify
    /root/foo/@bar->my_bar to replace the bar attribute
    value for all foo elements under the root element with my_bar. The XPath expression
    must end with the /@name of the attribute to insert
    or update. For XML documents using a default namespace,
    XPath expressions are represented like /:root/:foo/@bar.
    For XML documents using prefixed namespaces, XPath expressions are represented
    like /ns:root/foo/@bar or /ns:root/ns:foo/@bar or /ns1:root/ns2:foo/@bar.
    Source Directory Offset String The directory relative to the current working directory that contains the files to
    operate on.


    Issue with case-sensitive files on Windows

    Because of case insensitivity of the Windows OS file system, the Copy Directory step cannot support the renaming of files or folders when the same case-insensitive file or folder name exists in the destination directory. This inability holds true whether the file or folder is being renamed in place or in a different destination directory. This issue is documented in Apache Ants Copy step.

    Work Around

    If you intend to rename a file or folder in a destination folder, then delete the file first in the destination directory before the files and folders are copied.

    If you intend to rename a file or folder in place, then you cannot delete first otherwise the source item will be gone. In this case, you will need to use a temporary directory. First copy the files into the temporary directory, delete the source files, and then move the temporary directory files back into the original location. You can rename the files in either the first or second copy step.