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    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch 7.0.0 or later, HCL Launch agents on z/OS
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    April 6th, 2023
    Last Updated
    May 11th, 2023


    The z/OS Rexx Executor plugin executes REXX program provided in a dataset or in the plugin step. Apart from executing a REXX program, this plug-in provides ability to create output properties.

    Quick Info

    Product icon
    DevOps Deploy (HCL Launch)
    Plugin type icon
    Compatibility icon
    HCL Launch 7.0.0 or later, HCL Launch agents on z/OS
    created by icon
    Created by
    HCL Software
    Published Date
    April 6th, 2023
    Last Updated
    May 11th, 2023

    Uploaded: 22-Dec-2023 11:54

    Uploaded: 14-Dec-2023 10:55

    Uploaded: 05-Oct-2023 07:33

    Uploaded: 11-Sep-2023 12:57

    Uploaded: 08-Sep-2023 06:24

    Uploaded: 28-Jun-2023 12:43

    Uploaded: 29-Mar-2023 12:46

    Release Notes

      Added new checkbox input to show debug logs in case of any unknown failure.
      Output will now show the elapsed time of the REXX program.
      New output property RexxReturnCode will store the return code of the REXX program.

    Uploaded: 07-Mar-2023 07:45

    Release Note

    Initial Release


    The z/OS Rexx Executor plug-in allows one to execute REXX statements provided in a zOS Dataset or Inline in the plugin.


    The plug-in is compatible with:

    • HCL Launch version 7.0.0 or later.
    • HCL Launch agents on z/OS.


    See Installing plugins in HCL Launch for installing and removing plugins.


    The following table describes the changes made in each plugin version.

    Plugin history details
    Version Description
    • Added new checkbox input to show debug logs in case of any unknown failure.
    • Output will now show the elapsed time of the REXX program
    • New output property RexxReturnCode will store the return code of the REXX program
    1 Initial release.




    Execute a REXX program

    Use this step to execute rexx program.
    Name Type Description Required
    Source Type Enumeration: INLINE/DATASET Source of REXX program. Yes
    Source Value String Text or PDS member or Sequential Dataset that has REXX program. If the single quotation marks are omitted, the user’s data set prefix from the TSO profile is prefixed to the front of the data set name. Yes
    Arguments String Specify the arguments to the REXX program. No
    SYSPROC Datasets String Specify fully qualified SYSPROC datasets that the INPUT REXX program may use. No


    The z/OS Rexx Executor plug-in will execute statements provided in a dataset or inline in the plugin step.

    Select Source type as DATASET from the drop-down and enter the dataset in the Source Value. Fully qualified dataset needs to be enclosed in single quotes. When the quotes are omitted then, the TSO prefix of the id running the plugin step is prefixed to the Source Dataset.


    Select Source type as INLINE from the drop-down and then in the Source Value enter REXX statements beginning with a /* REXX */ statement.

    Arguments can be passed to the REXX program with/without quotes. However, if there are more than one argument then arguments must be separated by a space.

    The SYSPROC field allows user to pass datasets containing REXX programs that will be used by the REXX program run by the plugin step. Multiple SYSPROC datasets can be passed by separating datasets by a comma (,).

    Setting output property

    This plugin allows user to set output properties from the REXX program and later to be used in successive steps of a process. A user REXX program can simply invoke a call to SETPROP with two arguments.

    The first argument is output property name and the second argument is the property value.

    CALL SETPROP propertyName propertyValue

    For example, below REXX snippet will set an output property currentDate with value of date variable.
    /* REXX */
    date = DATE('S') /* Returns date in YYYYMMDD format E.g., 20120327 */
    CALL SETPROP "currentDate" date

    Setting multi-line output property

    To set a multi-line output property, the lines of the property value must be separated by a delimiter returned by inbuilt program GETDLMTR.
    /* REXX */
    delimiter = GETDLMTR() /* Return delimiter to separate lines */
    lines = "This is first line" || delimiter || "This is second line"
    CALL SETPROP "outputLines" lines

    Will set property outputLines to below value

    This is first line
    This is second line

    Referring properties from successive steps

    If the rexx step name is Run-Rexx-Program and output property name is currentDate then the output properties can be referred by the successive steps as below



    From plugin version 2, an output property RexxReturnCode will store the return/exit code from REXX program.